JibJab E-cards
A collection of Stop Motion E-cards I created and directed for JibJab Media Inc.
“It’s Beginning To Look A Lot Like Christmas” (2016)
I was responsible for directing, animating, lighting (in collaboration with Aron Bothman) and puppet fabrication on this project. Set building by Aron Bothman & Edlyn Capulong, Prop fabrication by Edlyn Capulong. For Full Ecard, Click Here
Puppet fabrication time-lapse
Lighting done in collaboration with Aron Bothman
“Things That Make You Go MMM” (2016)
Armature, build up, and costuming made by Colin Lepper. Latex Puppet Hands and Epoxy feet made by Aron Bothman.
Worked on in collaboration with Aron Bothman